Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

sekedar curhat :D

a few years ago I got this tragedy, I was hospitalized in c****** and nearly a month did not go to school. This is a very sad experience because at that time I almost frustrated due to this illness. But my whole family supported me to get rid of. from my mother stay awake when I'm falling asleep while in the hospital

then my dad is always asking my news to my mother by phone, he could not accompany her to wait in the hospital because of the demands of his job. Day after day I go through with lying in bed accompanied by the faithful to take care of my mother until I was healed

I had many days in the hospital in c****** but I suffered a disease that can not be cured, until I had to move to a more advanced hospital is in the hospital and as a result in the good hospital no hope of recovery. while I was in hospital I was with my mother who was always there for me and I can feel how fond affection of a mother to her child despite having to sacrifice any of that as long as the children are happy.

finally after I declared cured c**** I can go home to my mother, and from that moment I realized that my mother was everything to me.